Vegetarian Valentine's Menu

Vegetarian Valentine's Menu

  • Starter

    pickled vegetable salad with cauliflower mousse
    black radish and walnut pesto

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  • Middle Course

    spinach and swiss chard tortellini with pinenuts and parmesan
    tomato chutney, chanterelles and pink garlic veloute

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  • Main Course

    butternut squash and vacherin mont d’or turnover
    pickled apples, walnuts and dandelion

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  • pre-dessert

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  • Dessert

    mandarin mousse
    white chocolate ice cream


    hazelnut parfait
    yoghurt sponge

    £95.00 including a glass of champagne
    £145.00 with a glass of champagne and a glass of wines to match each course

    Available just at Dinner on February 14th

Make a reservation

Pearl Restaurant Reservations

Discover Pearl

252 High Holborn
London WC1V 7EN

020 7829 7000
Follow us @pearlrest

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